On-Line Course

Introduction to
the History of Neuroscience

Prof.Dr. Renato M.E. Sabbatini
School of Medical Sciences
State University of Campinas, Brazil

Module II: The Discovery of Bioelectricity

Warning: This is a demonstration lecture. Many of the links are not active on purpose. Active links are in bold face.
Information about the Course

General Objective

To present and to discuss the historical development of experimental and theoretical knowledge about the bioelectrical mechanisms of function of the nervous system at cell level, from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

Educational Objectives

Upon completing this module, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify the dominant physical model used by science until the first half of the 18th century to explain how the nervous system works and give examples taken fron Rene Descartes
  2. Explain why there was a radical change of the physical paradigm of the neurosciences from mechanics to electricity, listing the motives and main events which were associated to the change
  3. Identify the main technical advances which have occurred in the second half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, which allowed biophysical experimentation with live nervous tissue in the area of bioelectricity, and what were the main methodological contributions
  4. Describe the role of Luigi Galvani and his experiments on bioelectricity and describe the nature of the polemic between Galvani and Volta, and how it was solved.
  5. Identify the main pioneers in the study of bioelectricity and resting and action potentials in the 19th century, and what were their scientific contributions
  6. Describe the discovery of electrical brain waves (electroencephalogram) by Hans Berger
  7. List and briefly describe the main contributions made to electrophysiology by Erlanger, Gasser, Adrian, Hodgkin and Huxley.
  8. Describe concisely the present status of knowledge about the ionic mechanisms of generation and transmission of bioelectric phenomena at cell level

Study Guide

  1. Watch the on-line video lecture (RealOne Player plugin required)
  2. Review the slide show (10 slide demo)
  3. Read the recommended fundamental papers for acquiring basic knowledge about the subject matter:
  4. Explore the following papers and Internet resources for acquiring in-depth knowledge about the lecture's subject matter:
  5. Send your questions, comments, etc. to the on-line webforum on this module
  6. After finishing this study guide, answer the evaluation questionnaires and send them to us.


  1. Answer to self-evaluation form and send it;
  2. Answer to the evaluation quizz and send it. Click on Correct button to get the answers.

Copyright 2004 Renato Marcos Endrizzi Sabbatini
All rights reserved. Copy and distribution are forbidden without express authorization in writing

Instituto Edumed para Educação em Medicina e Saúde